
These Website Standard Terms and Conditions written on this webpage shall manage your use of our website, Website Name accessible at

Your access and utilization of this website ( are subject to the terms and conditions described herein and to applicable laws. By accessing to the Site and going through, you are accepting, without any
restriction, the present terms and conditions.

These Terms will be applied fully and affect to your use of this Website. By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You must not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions.

Service editor :
The Website is operated by Ebony Web Agency, a Web Agency registered under the register of trade of the movable goods number and under the Côte-d’Ivoire VAT number RCI 19 451 930 051,
headquarters located at Abidjan Cocody 2Plateaux Angré (Côte- d’Ivoire), Publishing director Mr. DIORO Hervé. Ebony Web Agency provides direct and permanent hosting of the Website for its use by the general public.

Website purpose :
The Website is a B2B service and information platform that promotes the know-how of African and U.S. export companies to international business partners. It is aimed not only at African companies that wish to showcase their
products and services, but also to foreign decision makers seeking to identify reliable suppliers and partners, using a company address book, business opportunity listings, and trade show information.

Website access terms :
The Website is a B2B service and information platform that promotes the know-how of African and U.S. export companies to international business partners. It is aimed not only at African companies that wish to showcase their
products and services, but also to foreign decision makers seeking to identify reliable suppliers and partners, using a company address book, business opportunity listings, and trade show information.

Intellectual property : © 2024 All Rights Reserved.
The content and design of this Site and any material e-mailed to you or otherwise supplied to you in conjunction with this Site are copyright of EBONY WEB AGENCY Ltd, also doing business under,
and its licensors. The website and more particularly the visual elements, whether or not they are registered as trademarks or other legal entities; whether or not they are accompanied by the symbols TM,
®, or ©; as well as the presentation and content of all the windows, articles, press reviews, and more generally, all the information available on the Site, shall remain the exclusive property of Ebony Web Agency or of the third
party with which Ebony Web Agency has entered into an agreement authorising their circulation. The user shall not enjoy the right to reproduce, circulate, or more generally to exploit them in any way without prior consent
from Ebony Web Agency. Credits The Website’s graphic design was created by

Privacy policy :
The user has the right to oppose for legitimate reasons the automated processing of personal data concerning him or her, in particular when the process is carried out for commercial reasons. This can be done through the ”Contact”
section of the Website. A signed-up user of the website can, by ticking a box on the form, authorise Ebony Web Agency’s commercial service to carry out promotion and marketing activities on the basis
of his or her African Companies or Members file, on the user’s behalf, or on that of the user’s Partners and without the user’s personal data being forwarded to them. Personal data that the user provides to the Website shall not be forwarded to a third party. The user can consult, modify, rectify, and delete any personal information that concerns him or her. Any Contact who has a personal space on the Website can exercise this right at any time in the African Companies section of the Website.

Refund policy :
Any customer who is registered on our site must first know that we are not a retail site. While we do not sell physical goods or software. We are simply a platform that enables companies and traders to
provide offers or sales and purchases as all entities to recheche trade partners between Africa and the United States. Therefore we will refund the customer if we do not respect our commitments vis-à-vis the latter, namely the
protection of personal data from our website (login, password pass, email, Secure payment ). Apart from that no refund is established. For more details please read the sections:
About us
Legal disclaimer
Product Listing Policy
Term of Use

Liability :
Ebony Web Agency shall not be held liable in any way for direct or indirect damage which may arise from access to, or use of, the Website or any information it contains, whatever its nature. The information displayed in the
showcases is the sole responsibility of the companies. However, Ebony Web Agency reserves the right to omit any information it deems not to conform with the Website’s purposes. This information may require updates that
could take place at a time other than when consulted, for technical or other reasons. Ebony Web Agency shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions. All updates, new services, or new characteristics which improve or
increase one or more existing services are covered by the present terms. Ebony Web Agency shall not be held liable for the timing of decisions or the methods of application thereof instituted by users based solely on information
published on the Website. Ebony Web Agency shall not be held liable for damage incurred by the user, in particular involving the loss, deterioration, or corruption of the files, the transmission of viruses that may infect the user’s
I.T. equipment or any other asset, when connecting to, and/or consulting, and/or using the Website.

Warranty :
The user shall indemnify Ebony Web Agency, as well as any person involved in the creation, production, or distribution of the Website, against all claims, liability, charges, or costs arising from the breach of these terms or
relating to the use of this Website. The user alone is liable for the information or data that he or she forwards, and he or she agrees to indemnify Ebony Web Agency against any direct or indirect damages that may result from such
information or data. Specifically, the user hereby refrains from using the interactive areas for purposes unrelated to the intended services offered by the Website.

Hyperlinks :
The Website may include links (surface or deep) to other sites, in general those of its Partners. Unless otherwise stated, the websites these hyperlinks refer to are independent from the Website. In no circumstances do these hyperlinks constitute an approval by Ebony Web Agency, or a partnership between Ebony Web Agency and the target websites. Ebony Technologies Agency may
not therefore be held liable for the content, products, advertisements, or any other items or services displayed on these sites. Ebony Web Agency’s prior written authorization is required for any hyperlink, of any type, which
affords access to the Website or any page or element therein.

Cookies :
“Cookies” are installed on Internet users’ computers. These cookies allow the user to be identified and facilitate later connections, in particular for accessing information. The user can elect to refuse the recording of cookies by
configuring his or her web browser. However, refusing cookies may cause certain parts of the Website to not function as intended and require the user to log on many times during a single session.

Governing Law And Jurisdiction :
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of Abidjan -Côte d’Ivoire – have exclusive jurisdiction
over any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or the legal relationship established by them, and for those purposes irrevocably submit all disputes to the jurisdiction of the Abidjan
(Côte d’Ivoire) courts. To contact us, please use our contact form
