- January 12, 2025
Un savoir-faire sans égal
A Abidjan, il est de coutume d’acheter son wax au marché et de visiter son tailleur pour la confection. De fait, la ville regorge d’artisans d’expérience au savoir-faire sans égal. Désireux de faire de Bandama Clothing une marque de haut standing, nous avons su nous entourer des meilleurs couturiers. Vous l’aurez bien compris, c’est grâce à cet environnement propice que nous pouvons vous proposer des créations de haute facture. Nous garantissons ainsi une qualité irréprochable à chaque vêtement sortant de nos ateliers.
Bandama: a name, a vision
The name Bandama comes from the eponymous river which crosses the Ivory Coast from North to South and which flows into the Atlantic Ocean at Grand-Lahou. It is in Abidjan, the very vibrant Ivorian economic capital that we have set up our workshops. The “Manhattan of West Africa”, a true multicultural crossroads, has a lot to do with our vision of fashion. Our leitmotif: convey African values and cultures through wax and our creations!
Unrivaled know-how
In Abidjan, it is customary to buy your wax at the market and visit your tailor for making it. In fact, the city is full of experienced craftsmen with unrivaled know-how. Eager to make Bandama Clothing a high-end brand, we have surrounded ourselves with the best designers. As you will have understood, it is thanks to this favorable environment that we can offer you high quality creations. We thus guarantee impeccable quality for each garment leaving our workshops.
Mention Africa Exporters Hub when calling seller to get a good deal
Abidjan 2Plateaux Mobil- Cote d'Ivoire
(+225) 0586729018
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