- January 26, 2025
Did you know?? Baobab has:
*6 times the potassium of a banana
*6 times the vitamin C of an orange
*15 times the fibre of wholemeal bread
*2 times the calcium of milk
Introducing Africa Natural’s 100% natural, certified organic baobab fruit powder! It’s delicious AND it’s high in magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron and fibre. Blend it into smoothies! Stir it into water, tea or juice! Shake it over yogurt and ice cream! Bake it into bread and muffins! Two teaspoons per day for a super-healthy diet.
Introducing Africa Natural’s 100% natural, certified organic baobab fruit powder! It’s delicious AND it’s high in magnesium, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron and fibre. Blend it into smoothies! Stir it into water, tea or juice! Shake it over yogurt and ice cream! Bake it into bread and muffins! Two teaspoons per day for a super-healthy diet.
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